Saturday, April 07, 2018

Adjusted by the Bureau

Have you seen The Adjustment Bureau? You probably have. I mean it's a movie from 2011. I have just seen it. Today. Out of a whim, because I have a habit of flipping through all channels before settling for a show that I feel I like or have just started. Anyway, today while I was doing my thing with the TV before making breakfast I saw it on the SYFY channel and it was just starting- and let me tell you something, I kinda dig it. Plus, Emily Blunt is in it, so why not? Also, Falcon is there too, only skinnier.

What if there really is an Adjustment Bureau? What if there are people or machines who control our decisions and choices? Ones who basically controls our lives and where it goes or not go for that matter? If there is such a bureau, we cannot exercise our supposedly God given free will. 

I like what Falcon said at the end of the movie; we really don't care about how important free will is to us until it is threatened to be taken away from us. Or something to that effect. You get the idea right? I wonder what I would do if all of sudden my free will to choose whether to get a plain bagel or an everything bagel is taken away from me. What do I do if my free will to choose what I want to do with my life is taken from me, instead some bureau will alter my decisions to have their way and bring their plans to life, my life? Now granted I wouldn't know all these because the bureau acts outside afar from normal people, you know like in the movie? But what if I knew? What then? I'll probably fight them like what Matt Damon did. Plus, I can go through doors to random beautiful places in New York, free of charge? Uhm, yes please. 

It's easy to take for granted important aspects of our lives i.e free will. It's equally important to the air we breathe everyday. That's also why we, as humans need to protect it by not abusing it. In turn we must be grateful that we have it. But how to protect it? I've always believe in what my Pop tells me all the time when I'm about to inhale a tub of ice cream. All is good until you over do it. Everything can and should be done in moderation. Just like in practicing our free will. We must think and rethink what we do and what we decide on. Will it affect me? Will it affect the people around me? Is it good? Is it worth it? Actively ask yourselves these questions. Just because it's free we can run around abusing it. Obviously, I am not talking about little things like what movies to watch or which Game of Thrones character you like best. I'm talking about big important choices we are handed by God and humans. Look, all I'm saying is free will is a gift, let's pray it won't be taken away from us.

Oh and by the way, I thought I could never love the beautiful Ms. Emily Blunt more but this movie did it.

Have a super Saturday, ya'll.


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