Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Grade school. How was yours? Mine was okay. It was...normal. It wasn't mundane. I had the same classmates from 3rd grade till the 6th grade. You can say that we technically grew up together. And we did. We are all blessed to have found lifetime friends in this bunch.

Would you believe that up to this time my grade school classmates and I are still communicating? Yes sir! We are still connected and it's awesome! Well, we thank Facebook for this wonderful opportunity of staying connected after all these years. True, there were years of gap from when we all graduated the 6th grade till when Facebook was created but nevertheless we found each other again and here we are.

It's so nice to talk to people who basically knew you since you weren't old enough to own a cellphone or young enough to play super hyper active games after school hours while waiting for the bus driver. It's also nice to know that you are not the only 35-something human being still trying to figure what you can offer this lifetime.

I love how my Facebook messanger explodes of messages I had to back read to catch up with my peeps from the other side of the world and chime in on whatever topic they're yapping about. Usually it's family life, careers or the lack thereof, where on earth is what's his face, when's the next reunion, beer or hard drinks - but my favorite topic of all are the memories. Everybody gets a good laugh out of it. The silliness and absurdity of our childhood. Oh it's the best!

Talking (or chatting) with them makes me happy is because I never feel our age. To me it feels like I am still talking to the same bozos of 1989. Like, we are still those younglings and we never really grew old. It's as if in that group chat, it's still 1990. I don't know but that's just me. But I'm sure they will all agree with me when I say that- in that group chat time stops and we get to leave the pressures of life and just for a few moments we are grade schoolers again.

Much love to 6-Star, 1994.


Monday, April 09, 2018

A Welcomed Change

I appreciate technology.  Sure, it made me a wee bit lazy at some aspects in my life (Right, Alexa?), but over all it does some other great things to make our lives a little easier. The best thing technology has done for most of us and I'm pretty sure a lot of you will agree with me on this - it's communication. It definitely made communicating better, easier and live in living color.

Home sickness for people like me who moved on the other side of the world is a thing of the past. Well, okay fine we still feel home sick but it definitely lessen when my mom video calls me. All thanks to technology. Long distance relationships aren't that bad anymore because again - Face Time. Stuck in traffic and running a little late for that meeting? No problem! Get your smart phone, check your email for that Go To Meeting invite and voila.

It's true that technology may have ruin some parts of our daily lives but admit it or not, it did and it still is doing some pretty cool things too. I don't know about you but I'm embracing this welcomed change. If used wisely and with caution, we'll reap its advantages for the betterment of our limited existence.

So to Technology, thank you!


Saturday, April 07, 2018

Adjusted by the Bureau

Have you seen The Adjustment Bureau? You probably have. I mean it's a movie from 2011. I have just seen it. Today. Out of a whim, because I have a habit of flipping through all channels before settling for a show that I feel I like or have just started. Anyway, today while I was doing my thing with the TV before making breakfast I saw it on the SYFY channel and it was just starting- and let me tell you something, I kinda dig it. Plus, Emily Blunt is in it, so why not? Also, Falcon is there too, only skinnier.

What if there really is an Adjustment Bureau? What if there are people or machines who control our decisions and choices? Ones who basically controls our lives and where it goes or not go for that matter? If there is such a bureau, we cannot exercise our supposedly God given free will. 

I like what Falcon said at the end of the movie; we really don't care about how important free will is to us until it is threatened to be taken away from us. Or something to that effect. You get the idea right? I wonder what I would do if all of sudden my free will to choose whether to get a plain bagel or an everything bagel is taken away from me. What do I do if my free will to choose what I want to do with my life is taken from me, instead some bureau will alter my decisions to have their way and bring their plans to life, my life? Now granted I wouldn't know all these because the bureau acts outside afar from normal people, you know like in the movie? But what if I knew? What then? I'll probably fight them like what Matt Damon did. Plus, I can go through doors to random beautiful places in New York, free of charge? Uhm, yes please. 

It's easy to take for granted important aspects of our lives i.e free will. It's equally important to the air we breathe everyday. That's also why we, as humans need to protect it by not abusing it. In turn we must be grateful that we have it. But how to protect it? I've always believe in what my Pop tells me all the time when I'm about to inhale a tub of ice cream. All is good until you over do it. Everything can and should be done in moderation. Just like in practicing our free will. We must think and rethink what we do and what we decide on. Will it affect me? Will it affect the people around me? Is it good? Is it worth it? Actively ask yourselves these questions. Just because it's free we can run around abusing it. Obviously, I am not talking about little things like what movies to watch or which Game of Thrones character you like best. I'm talking about big important choices we are handed by God and humans. Look, all I'm saying is free will is a gift, let's pray it won't be taken away from us.

Oh and by the way, I thought I could never love the beautiful Ms. Emily Blunt more but this movie did it.

Have a super Saturday, ya'll.


Friday, April 06, 2018

Game Of Thrones Fix

It's April. It's supposed to be Game of Thrones month. Unfortunately, like the rest of the world, we are painfully waiting for 2019 to watch it's bittersweet ending - not that I know exactly what will happen but GRRM isn't exactly a fan of in-the-end-it-will-all-work-out-everybody-happy type of writing. I'm actually both happy and sad it is ending in season 8. Happy that it is ending while still a lot of people love the show and let's face it they are still on top of their game and sad, well, for obvious reasons. For me, it it really is one the best shows of my life time. This is a show I am going to brag about to my children and grand children. 

I started watching Game of Thrones while season 3 is playing. I got hooked after learning that Cersei and Jaime are nurturing an unconventional and dysfunctional love relationship and that Bran fell. I told myself after that episode, whoa. It's like a soap for the medieval times! I loved that there are so many characters to love, hate and love and hate. I was never confused although I have to admit I haven't read all the books yet. I intend to, probably after the show is over. 

It's also a show where I enjoy researching and in turn learning about the nooks and crannies of each timeline and character. I love how it is a conversation starter. It's also a subject for friendly debates. It has an immersed community and a very invested fandom that it made them cry when the MF wall, the wall, finally descends in the hands of zombie Viserion. 

But it won't be back until next year so, all we can do is rewatch everything from season 1. I get my fix through watching the casts' interviews and Comic Con appearances. Subscribe and watch a couple of GoT You Tube channels here and there with the likes of Comicbookgirl19 or Emergency Awesome. Watch and rewatch all the Leslie Jones' Game of Jones on the Late Night with Seth Meyers tv show. 

Hang on tight, we still have 8 months or so to go. 


Thursday, April 05, 2018

A Closeted Swiftie

Do you secretly like Taylor Swift? I know I do.

I follow her on Instagram and Spotify. I listen to her songs going to and from work. I memorized 22 because it's catchy and is always on. I secretly watched all her Reputation music videos including the second Delicate video on Spotify. Just like the rest of the world, I too look for easter eggs and clues on her videos. I especially like to watch some of her fans' reaction to every music video she releases. I agree on some level that she is a fantastic lyricist. I admire how she plays with words and build very modern metaphors in her songs. I sing along like a fool to Blank Space and Clean. I've never been to any of her shows although I do watch some of it on You Tube. I like the acoustic version of her 1989 songs because it shows that she can really sing and I mean beautifully sing with matching mad guitar and piano playing skills. I love her idea of having secret sessions for her fans - the Swifties, because it shows how she much she loves them It humanizes her.

I'm actually jealous of her and her accomplishments. At such a young age she doesn't struggle financially, she is extremely talented and beautiful and did I mention rich? Heck, she owns her own private plane and she's not even 30. At 36, I am still trying to figure everything out. Sure, she doesn't have a normal life and the most coveted privacy in the world of the rich and famous but you know what I mean? She doesn't have to stress about her future not like normal human beings like me. I know, jealousy is an ugly, ugly thing. But I'm pretty sure a lot can relate.

She worked hard, probably harder than we all know to get where she is now in her life and with that she deserves everything she gets. She is reaping all that she sowed all these years. I should be inspired by that instead of feeling a teeny ting pang of jealousy over this woman who gave us nothing but good music.


Root Cause Analysis on Self Struggles

I've got half an hour to spare and I want to keep my writing momentum so here I am, writing once again.

A few hours earlier while walking to the supermarket, I have seen students, young girls coming home from school most probably and I can't help but notice how these middle schoolers or perhaps 7th or 8th graders are more preppy and fashionable than I am, effortlessly. Here I am frumpy as nuts, my hair on a messy bun, sweater, jeggings and sneakers. In short, I look like a potato.

I am not shaming myself or maybe I am but it's true though. I look like an Idaho potato. You see, I've gone through highschool and college believing I have my own sense of style- obviously that style isn't current. I've always been boyish so to speak until I met my gay bestfriend in 2003 who God bless him introduced me, wait no, made me dress like a young lady that I was back then. I started wearing other pieces of clothing like skirts and cute tops and pretty flat shoes. I could never wear high heels probably because I am fat and heavy but thats another blog post. Hehehe I haven't seen him in a while and with that I turned frumpy again.
I wish I am effortlessly fashionable too.

I know, I know I shouldn't bring myself down like this or why don't I do something about it and the whole nine yards. It's just that I am too lazy. As ugly as that sounds, I am lazy. Lazy to look pretty. Isn't that a thing? Probably not. I sometimes look myself in the mirror and find some spots and lines on my face that weren't there before and I get sad. Or stare at myself in glass windows on trains and tell my self- What happened to you? I should be putting more effort in making myself look pretty or at least presentable to the world. Why did I stopped caring?

Oh well, this is just one of the many self-struggles I face in my adult life. Funny thing is, I know in my mind what to do, the question is why don't I do it? I think I need some root cause analysis.

I Miss the Memes

Today is a bad day.

I know, I know negativity. But it really is a bad day for me.

Last night, my "girl thing" got the best of me. I may or may not have lashed out assumptions to the boyfriend last night which inadvertently made me say some bile things toward him and vice versa. Oh it was baaaad. It was ugly. Ugh. We were so upset of each other, I started crying, he said he didn't care so I cried some more. It was abysmal.

So anyway, I slept and none of it was solved or talked out since he doesn't want to and so I wake up feeling so meh. I got up first and felt my cool is on so I woke him up to say sorry and boom! He won't accept my apology. How rude! Well, not as rude as my accusations last night. Now, I am not feeling my day. It's as gloomy and gray as the skies of Manhattan at this very moment. I tried reaching out by sending a meme, yeah we're one of those couples sending funny and relatable memes all day even if we're just sitting next to each other watching reruns of Roseanne or Golden Girls or Seinfeld or The Big Bang Theory. He won't take my apology and sent me out like I'm some kid so I left the light on and the door open on my way out. Hahaha He probably went nuts.

Look, I have dealt with lots in the past with the boyfriend and I know it's not healthy to keep bringing it up otherwise the relationship will not move forward yadada. I just can't help it sometimes. I've become cynical and untrusting at times. Specially when I can see and feel he is hiding some things from me- girls, I know you know what I mean. But then again, I believe that we choose who we love and for a long time I have chosen the boyfriend. Warts and all. He is far from perfect, he is maddening, he doesn't clean or wash dishes but he makes me laugh, sets me straight and makes sure my reality is checked at all times. He's my bestfriend. He once said I was his too. That made my heart so happy but I didn't show it, hahahaha I played non-chalant and went on.

Darn, now I miss the memes. I haven't heard from him all day. I hope he does not pack his stuff and leave.

Good day, ya'll.


Wednesday, April 04, 2018

It's a Girl Thing

Do you ever feel like you're a totally different person when that "time of the month" is upon you? Oh I'm sorry boys, this is completely girl talk - unless you have ladies in your life then you might be able to relate. So, anyway, I asked because I am one of those people whose hormones are through the roof when "that time of the month" is in. You know what? I don't like it but I can't help it.

Or can I? I honestly don't know. Look, all I know is that it's very tiring and frustrating. It affects not only me but also the people around me. Heck, it even affects my work sometimes- that's when it gets really bad. You see, my mood quickly shifts from good to bad to good again to worse to better. It's friggin' exhausting. My boyfriend will probably laugh when he hears me complain about being exhausted during "these times" because my mood changes directly impact him. Oh, well. Sorry, Booboo Bear. 😘

I usually just drink a lot of (cold) water and watch the Golden Girls if I can. Those put me in a better mood. Oh, another is this Youtube video of Jimmy Fallon and Kevin Hart riding a rollercoaster in Orlando, Fl. Friggin hilarious. But what works most of all is to take a deep breath and just relax for a few minutes. Try and realize that it's just a bad energy that consumes you and it can be converted to a rather better, happy energy. Hey, I'm just glad I don't get cramps all the time because that is a totally different story. I just get the what I call the "meepees".

Be that as it may, I'm still going forward to make the most of my day and hopefully tomorrow I am back to my old, happy self! 😊


Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Copy Writing Dilemma

Should I explore copy writing?

My bestfriend is launching her brand new website soon and  about 3 weeks ago, she has asked me to write her a copy. At first, I was like, uhm copy? I don't even know what she was talking about. All she said was she will send me details and notes and she knows I love writing and that I know her "tone" in terms of expressing it in written form. We have a very similar "tone" I might add. Still, I didn't have any clue what she was asking of me.

Obviously, I asked her what she wanted me to do and told me - a copy write. Honestly, at that point I still have no clue as I'm not very familiar with copy writing. 😋 However, I love how she sounded super excited and super sure that I can do it that I started researching about it. The funny thing is, I have been doing it all along- copy writing that is. Here on my blog. That's not to say I did very good hahahaha, but I was and still is doing it.

Needless to say for weeks now I have been feeding my brain with any information I can get about it and the more I learn the more I get excited. I have been dreaming of getting an online side job that I can work on during my free time and days off. This way, I don't just lounge around and be unproductive instead, my brain cells will get to work and make extra cash on the side. Not bad at all.

I knew it wasn't an accident at all that I thought of writing here again. Now if only I can stay consistent. Hehehe. So far I have been good. I'm glad. One thing is for sure, I will continue to learn about copy writing and put it to good use.  

Well, I think I already answered my question above. YES.


Morning Thoughts

It's a cold Tuesday morning people! It's supposed to be Spring already- since March 21st. But noooo, it snowed yesterday and another snow day on Friday. I think Mama Nature is a little stressed. 😣

I had a good sleep all thanks to my fresh sheets and brand new shams and duvet cover hahaha! Although, I had a very weird dream, which happens to all my dreams apparently. Last night I dreamt of a friend of mine who is already with our creator. You would think it's a nightmarish kind of dream. It's actually not. It was... hmmm, regular. Like he never really left. I'm just glad to have seen him "alive" again I guess. I pray that wherever he is, he is having the grandest time. 😊

As odd as that may seem, it made me appreciate having been able to wake up this morning. I don't know if it has anything to do with that or I just simply had enough sleep. Whatever it is, I am still thankful for this day that I am able to wake up, get up and dress up to brave another day. 


Monday, April 02, 2018

Fast Forward to 2018

Whoa. So... 3 years. It's been that long since I last written on here. I am glad this platform is still available for me to go back to if and when I feel the urge to write anything. So let's try this again shall we? 🤣 

First off, Mabuhay! Second, a lot has happened since my last attempt to revive this blog. My oh my, a lot has changed. For one I am writing this from my phone! When I created this blog it was from my computer at work all those eons ago. I still read some of my old posts and giggle at my own ridiculousness and gramatical errors. 😎 Reading my past stories makes me realize how much I improved as a person and how my adventures and misadventures have grown as well. 

This year I really intend to fill these pages again with my daily experiences and hopefully impart some lessons along the way. I think this is a better way to spend my comute rather than ogle at Facebook and feel jealous because everyone in my life seem to be having a great time. It's not that I am not happy. I think for the first time in a long time I can say I am happy. Hahahahaha OMG. I guess no matter how many years pass by, there are still some things that never changes - my dramas. Well, I ain't called Drama Queen for nothing. 👑 

With that, I welcome you to my life...or at least the one I let you take a look at. Happy Monday! 


A (Web Copy) Writer's Dream

Write. That's what everybody in my community of other writer says. Write about anything, daily. There are no rules, just allot time - m...