Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Grade school. How was yours? Mine was okay. It was...normal. It wasn't mundane. I had the same classmates from 3rd grade till the 6th grade. You can say that we technically grew up together. And we did. We are all blessed to have found lifetime friends in this bunch.

Would you believe that up to this time my grade school classmates and I are still communicating? Yes sir! We are still connected and it's awesome! Well, we thank Facebook for this wonderful opportunity of staying connected after all these years. True, there were years of gap from when we all graduated the 6th grade till when Facebook was created but nevertheless we found each other again and here we are.

It's so nice to talk to people who basically knew you since you weren't old enough to own a cellphone or young enough to play super hyper active games after school hours while waiting for the bus driver. It's also nice to know that you are not the only 35-something human being still trying to figure what you can offer this lifetime.

I love how my Facebook messanger explodes of messages I had to back read to catch up with my peeps from the other side of the world and chime in on whatever topic they're yapping about. Usually it's family life, careers or the lack thereof, where on earth is what's his face, when's the next reunion, beer or hard drinks - but my favorite topic of all are the memories. Everybody gets a good laugh out of it. The silliness and absurdity of our childhood. Oh it's the best!

Talking (or chatting) with them makes me happy is because I never feel our age. To me it feels like I am still talking to the same bozos of 1989. Like, we are still those younglings and we never really grew old. It's as if in that group chat, it's still 1990. I don't know but that's just me. But I'm sure they will all agree with me when I say that- in that group chat time stops and we get to leave the pressures of life and just for a few moments we are grade schoolers again.

Much love to 6-Star, 1994.


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