Thursday, September 18, 2008

NINA Sings Diane Warren Hits

So I was out of the office for five days baby!!! 2 restdays and 3, well let's just say vacation. hahahaha *wink wink* And what did I do? Hmmm, well a whole lot of sleeping and tv and moping around. But at least I got the chance to see my parents and sibs during the weekend and took some photos of them playing paintball which I'm going to post right after I am done with a gazillion of emails I missed those 5 days. And shempre I went malling with Mai in Makati. And I bought the latest NINA CD!!!!!!! Walang kokontra please.

I super love her! hihihi And the songs too! When I got home that night I played it right away ang sang my heart out! Paki ko sa neigbors! hahahaha And on Saturday I'm watching her (YES! AGAIN.) at the Hard Rock Cafe in Makati!

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